Social Security: 88 Years of Protecting Seniors, 88 Years of Republican Opposition

Maria Martinez: “New York House Republicans Look Their Constituents in the Eye and Promise to Protect These Programs, Only to Turn Around and Undermine Them While Erecting Even More Barriers to Access.”

NEW YORK — Today marks the 88th anniversary of the creation of Social Security, which serves as a vital lifeline for tens of millions of seniors and their families every year. President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act on August 14th, 1935, creating what would become one of the nation's most effective and popular programs. Roosevelt described Social Security as a program that he hoped would “give some measure of protection to the average citizen and to his family against the loss of a job and against poverty-ridden old age.”

Despite Social Security’s widespread popularity among voters across the political spectrum, Republicans in Congress have begun working to undermine it and its constituent programs, Medicare and Medicaid. In April, House Republicans, including New York Reps. George Santos, Anthony D’Esposito, Marc Molinaro, and Brandon Williams voted to make it more difficult for seniors to access Social Security and Medicare benefits and put Medicaid coverage at risk for millions of New Yorkers.

In June, the 175-member Republican Study Committee—of which Rep. Brandon Williams is a member—released a budget proposal that would raise the Social Security retirement age, remove the “Medicare guarantee,” prevent Medicare from negotiating lower drug costs, and slash benefits for middle-class families.

Maria Martinez, Executive Director of Empire State Voices, released the following statement:
“Young or old, rich or poor, every American contributes to Social Security and Medicare with the understanding that when they or a loved one reaches a certain age, there will be a safety net there for them. The Republican effort to undermine Social Security and Medicare is as insidious as it is callous. New York House Republicans look their constituents in the eye and promise to protect these programs, only to turn around and undermine them while erecting even more barriers to access.”

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About Empire State Voices 

Empire State Voices (ESV) is a multi-year campaign dedicated to amplifying the voices of everyday working New Yorkers. ESV is fighting for economic policies that make life more affordable for constituents and holding members of Congress across the state accountable when they fail to do the same.


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