Empire State Voices Unveils New Billboard Ahead of NY State Fair, McCarthy Fundraiser, Highlighting Rep. Williams’ Record of Fighting for Rich Donors
As New Yorkers Gather for Fried Food and Carnival Games, Rep. Williams is Taking His Constituents for a Ride, Bumping Elbows with Kevin McCarthy and High-Dollar Donors
SYRACUSE, NEW YORK — Empire State Voices (ESV) has unveiled a new billboard targeting Representative Brandon Williams along I-690 in Syracuse, just outside the New York State Fair. The billboard, which will run for the next three weeks, calls on local residents to contact Rep. Williams and voice their opposition to the upcoming GOP Tax Scam.
ESV's billboard will be live along I-690 in Syracuse, just outside the New York State Fair, for the next three weeks | Credit: ESV
Empire State Voices is attending the New York State Fair on Thursday, August 24th, to draw attention to Rep. Williams’ voting record and continued support for Republican policies prioritizing corporations and the ultra-wealthy over everyday Americans. According to ProPublica, since taking office in January, Rep. Williams has voted with Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy 94% of the time. Tomorrow, Speaker McCarthy is holding a high-dollar fundraiser for Rep. Williams’ reelection campaign in Skaneateles, with tickets ranging from $1,000 to $6,600 per person.
The GOP Tax Scam is expected to be introduced this fall. The trio of tax bills does little to help working families, with the vast majority of benefits going to “the richest one percent of Americans and foreign investors.” Empire State Voices is joining local activists and advocacy groups to call out Rep. Williams for what he’s doing: taking New Yorkers for a ride while he bumps elbows with rich donors and fights for policies that only help the ultra-wealthy.
“Representative Brandon Williams has proven time and time again that his true loyalties lie with Kevin McCarthy and the wealthy donors that fund his campaign,” said Maria Martinez, Executive Director of Empire State Voices. “He’s voted to make it harder for Seniors to access their Medicare and Social Security benefits, voted to protect ultra-wealthy and corporate tax cheats, and now he’s poised to slash taxes for the richest Americans while doing little for the rest of us. New Yorkers are sick and tired of politicians who look out for their rich donors rather than the hardworking constituents they’re supposed to represent.”
To learn more about the campaign, please reach out at press@empirestatevoices.org
About Empire State Voices
Empire State Voices (ESV) is a multi-year campaign dedicated to amplifying the voices of everyday working New Yorkers. ESV is fighting for economic policies that make life more affordable for constituents and holding members of Congress across the state accountable when they fail to do the same.