ICYMI: Amid Indictment and Censure Votes, George Santos is Failing to Deliver for His Constituents

NEW YORK — Last week, Roll Call published an article detailing how the office of Representative Santos has struggled to adequately handle constituent services. While Rep. Santos has repeatedly stated that his numerous scandals and indictment will not affect his work serving the people of his district, Roll Call’s investigation found that his office has closed an alarmingly small number of constituent cases in the seven months since he was sworn in.

“It’s disappointing—if not particularly surprising—that Rep. Santos has failed to adequately serve his constituents in even the most basic form,” said Maria Martinez, Executive Director of Empire State Voices. “New Yorkers deserve Representatives that are focused on improving their lives and representing their best interests. I think it’s an understatement to say that George Santos can’t do so while he’s spending all of his time trying to stay out of prison.”

Find the full story and key points below:

Roll Call: Santos off to slow start on constituent casework

  • “When Rep. George Santos took office amid revelations that he fabricated nearly every detail of the life he presented to voters, he claimed that he would nevertheless serve them faithfully in Congress.”

  • “But a Roll Call investigation has found that the Republican went months without contacting the Internal Revenue Service or Small Business Administration on behalf of constituents.”

  • “When told that Santos was reporting only seven closed IRS constituent cases, D’Esposito appeared dumbfounded. ‘Obviously, there are people calling,’ he said. ‘Are they getting the information and then not moving forward with cases or are they just not answering the phone calls?’”

  • “Constituent services is considered one of the fundamental duties of a congressional office. As the Congressional Research Service quoted one former member as saying, ‘You learn more about the job by doing constituent service work than anything else. … It tells you whether or not the legislation is doing what it is supposed to do.’”

To learn more about the campaign, please reach out at press@empirestatevoices.org



About Empire State Voices 
Empire State Voices (ESV) is a multi-year campaign dedicated to amplifying the voices of everyday working New Yorkers. ESV is fighting for economic policies that make life more affordable for constituents and holding members of Congress across the state accountable when they fail to do the same.


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