Fighting for hardworking New Yorkers

No more broken promises.

As New Yorkers, we understand the value of hard work, but we're tired of the deck being stacked against us. 

Too often, our Members of Congress prioritize giving tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations over lowering costs for working people.

We advocate for economic policies that make life more affordable for hardworking New Yorkers and hold our representatives accountable when they fail to do so.

Instead of fighting for working people, our Representatives are busy….

  • Siding with Corporations

    Protecting the ultra-wealthy and corporations to who don’t pay their fair share

  • Making Everyday Families Pay More

    Passing on the burden and raising costs for hardworking New Yorkers

  • Opposing Common Sense Legislation

    Blocking efforts to make life more affordable for everyday people

Share your story.

We want to hear from you. Tell us how you have been impacted by economic policies, from everyday costs to health care.

Fill out this form with a quick summary of your story and contact info. We’ll get back to you soon!